Archive | 12. Mar, 2015
OBRES SÓN “AMORES”, enguany hi han eleccions?

OBRES SÓN “AMORES”, enguany hi han eleccions?

rencontre rive sud de quebec 12. Mar, 2015 0 Comments

Villa Altagracia OBRES SÓN “AMORES”, enguany hi han eleccions? Des de de fa vora dos setmanes a l’Avinguda Jaume Primer cantonada Carrer Tirant lo Blanc (popularment anomenat carrer del clot), hi ha una tanca, una senyal de prohibir aparcar i un cono per en teoria “Esfaltado” de un petit clotet. El clotet ja es va “esfaltar” fa […]

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EL CALORET. 12. Mar, 2015 0 Comments

La llengua, la malmesa llengua nostra, aquella que no volen que tinga cap remembrança amb el català, que diuen que cal diferenciar a partir de Vinaròs cap avall, la que no empren per a quasi res, sols per alguna festa folklòrica concreta o per intentar posar-se a l’alçada de la gent del carrer i intentar […]

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They said they had about fifty callers waiting on the line

The Northern Motor Inn on Hwy 16 in Thornhill is bringing home an internationally acclaimed homegrown talent. Ian Bagg is a seasoned stand up comic that hails from Terrace. Below are two links to You Tube clips of his shows. Have been announced so far, including: Doom Eternal, Destiny 2, Rage 2, Metro Exodus kanken […]

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Whole grains, fruits and vegetables constitute the base of the

Emily by Michael Bedard, illus Barbara Cooney, Julia MacRae pounds 9.99. It is winter in Amherst, Massachusetts, in the middle of the last century, and a little girl watches the pale yellow house across the road where the reclusive Emily lives. And yes, it is Emily Dickinson, and no, it is not in the least […]

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